Grain in Beard 芒种
- Grain in Beard is on the 5th or 6th of June every year when the Sun travels to the 75° celestial longitude. Mang implies the maturity of awned crops and Zhong indicates the sowing of grain millet.
- 每年的 6 月 5 日或 6 日,太阳到达黄经 75° 时为芒种。“芒”指有芒作物的成熟,而“种”是指谷黍类作物的播种。
- From the Grain in Beard, summer officially begins. The most prominent features of the weather during the period include the scorching heat and plum rain. The southern China enters the plum rain season which is full of rainy days, when the plum in the south steps into maturing stage. This is also the reason why the rain during the period is called as plum rain or yellow plum rain.
- 芒种时节已经正式进入夏季,除了炎热的天气外,最显著的天气特征就是梅雨。到了芒种,南方就会进入阴雨绵绵的梅雨季节。因此时正式江南梅子的成熟期,故称为“梅雨”或“黄梅雨”。
- On the Grain in Beard, Chinese people are accustomed to offering sacrifices to God of Flower as a tradition. As the Grain in Beard is in June when the florescence is over and flowers begin to wither and fall, people employ branches and petals to produce the sedan chair, use silks to create umbrella-shaped flags and tie colored strings on the tree branches to worship God of Flower on the Grain in Beard. Since many who attend the sacrificial ceremony are unmarried young daughters, this day is also known as the Daughter's Festival.
- 芒种时节有送花神的习俗。到了芒种,已经是六月,百花过了最繁忙的花期,开始凋落,于是人们便在芒种这一天用花瓣枝条编成轿马,绫罗叠成伞状的旗帜,用踩线系在树枝上来祭奠花神。由于参加送花神仪式的多为闺中女儿家,因此芒种这一天也被称为“女儿节”。
- In the southern region of Anhui Province, there is a custom of seedling placement on the Grain in Beard. People will utilize fresh flour to create cooked wheaten food in different shapes like the five cereals, six domestic animals and various melons, fruits and vegetables, with dyeing them into different colors. After that, people steam them and regard them as the sacrificial offerings, praying for the harvest of newly planted rice seedlings and safeness.
- 在安徽南部地区,芒种时节还有安苗的习俗。人们为了祈求新种的水稻能够丰收,就用新麦面捏成五谷六畜、瓜果蔬菜等形状,然后染上不同的颜色,上笼蒸熟,作为祭祀供品,祈求丰收和平安。
- The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival for Chinese people to commemorate Qu Yuan, on the 5th of lunar May every year which is close to the Grain in Beard. Qu Yuan was patriotic and loyal to the throne but suffered from the calumniation and exclusion of treacherous officials. Qu Yuan had to express his thought through suicide, and on the 5th of May, he drowned himself into Miluo River. In order to deliver the respect for Qu Yuan’s spirits, people define this day as the Dragon Boat Festival, and many traditions such as dragon-boat racing and eating Chinese rice-pudding have been inherited.
- 端午节是中国人纪念屈原的传统节日,为每年农历五月初五,接近芒种节气。屈原忠君爱国,却遭受奸臣陷害排挤,最后以死明志,于五月初五投汨罗江而亡。百姓为了表达对屈原的敬意,将这一天定为端午节,流传下来赛龙舟和吃粽子等习俗。
- awned [ɔːnd]:adj. 具芒的;有芒的
- millet [mɪlɪt]:n. 小米,粟;稷,黍的子实;黍类
- prominent :adj. 突出的,显著的;杰出的;卓越的 | outstanding,distinguished,eminent,renowned | play a prominent part/role in sth 在...中起了重要作用
- scorching [skɔːtʃɪŋ]:adj. 灼热的;激烈的;讽刺的;过早硫化的 | He showed a scorching critique of the government's economic policy. 他对政府的经济政策进行了严厉的批评。
- plum [plʌm]:n. 李子;梅子;洋李;紫红色 adj. 人所希望的;有利的;上等的
- be accustomed to:习惯于 | I'm not accustomed to getting uo so early to do morning exercise. 我不习惯这么早起床进行早练。
- sedan [sɪˈdæn]:n. 轿车;轿子
- cooked wheaten[wiːtən] food:面食 |adj. 小麦的;小麦制成的
- cereal [sɪəriəl]:n. 谷类,谷物;谷类食品;谷类植物 adj. 谷类的;谷类制成的
- calumniation [kəˈlʌmnɪˌeɪʃn]: n. 中伤;诽谤 | 同样表示诽谤的单词还有“slander、defamation、libel”等。
- treacherous [ˈtretʃərəs]: adj. 奸诈的,叛逆的,背叛的;危险的;不牢靠的 |He has made a treacherous plot to overthrow the leader. 他制定了一个推翻领导人的阴谋。